Monday, January 17, 2011


My sweet friend Jennelle and I decided to give ourselves a little challenge...well maybe a somewhat big challenge. We have been doing the Jillian Michael's "30 Day Shred" video on-and-off for a little while now and we thought that we should actually do the workout for 30 days straight. We started a week before the Daniel fast was to begin in hopes that our bodies would be somewhat used to the exercise and not hurt as bad once we started the fast. We even gave ourselves an incentive...if we complete all 30 days we get to go have pedicures together and buy a new pair of shoes!! Now...let me tell are a HUGE incentive to me...I kind of love them! But...even with my love for shoes...this is a hard challenge that I have almost talked myself out of a few times. However...I am still going strong and I have even learned a few things from it.
1 - Having a friend "walk" with you through a challenge not only makes it keeps you going.
2 - I can be disciplined when I want to...and I need to practice more discipline in my life.
3 - Forming a "good" habit seems much harder than forming a "not-so-good" one's to disciplining my mind and my body to continue to grow into who God wants me to be...even if I am yelling at the Jillian on my TV screen in the process.

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