Saturday, January 23, 2010

Do over

I love listening to my babes play a game together. They laugh...they play hard...they get frustrated...and eventually one of them will say, "Do-over!" and the other one will reluctantly start the game over.
I have had a lot of "Do-overs" in my life...and I am so very thankful for them. But recently...I have realized that even though I have been given the chance to have a do-over...I keep reminding myself of why I needed the do-over in the first place. I had failed at something...or I made a wrong decision...I wasn't who I wanted to be...I acted wrongly...I said something I shouldn't have...I just plain messed up. I am realizing that I never actually get to use my do-over because I am more focused on what I didn't do right...and less focused on a great opportunity for a new start. I want to be done remembering who I am not...and start realizing who I can be. Have I made mistakes in my life...O my...YES...but I can't let them define me anymore. I want this year to be a year that I start looking at what I can do and stop looking at who I think I am not.

* PS - This fast has been amazing and I am so thankful for what I am learning...but I think I am ready for some fun, light-hearted posts about my cute babes and the funny things they say...only one more week! :-)


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your words of encouragement! I have enjoyed looking back through your posts! As for today's post, how many times have I needed a do-over? I desperately needed one today. Thanks for the encouragement to pull myself up by my bootstraps and get a move-on!

  2. You don't actually know me... I am one of the "authors" for "Not Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen", too. Although I have never actually posted anything there :)
    I am a friend of Laura's. I just had to tell you that I love your blog... Your pics are incredible and I love the funny stories about your kiddos. My entire blog is about my funny kids, too.
    I also wanted to tell you that this post truly motivated me to finally make a change in this area of thought. I related EXACTLY to what you were writing about and it has truly inspired me to do serious work with God to move on from this depressing school of thought. Thank you so much for your honest and encouraging words. I really appreciate it. (I related to your words so much that I actually just quoted you on my blog... I hope that's OK)
    Thanks again
